What to Expect


It's not easy visiting a new church for the first time.  All kinds of questions and anxieties come into play: Do I belong here?  Am I really welcome?  Will I fit in?  Are they going to do anything "weird"?  Will it be easy to leave if I don't enjoy it?  Will they ask me for money?  Will my kids enjoy it?  How should I dress?  Am I welcome if I don't believe?

We want to make visiting RHBC an enjoyable experience.  We try to make Raleigh Heights a place where people feel at home, regardless of their background or even appearance.  

I'd like to give you a glimpse of what to expect your first visit with us so you won't feel awkward.  When you arrive at Raleigh Heights (on Crowell Ave, off Bainbridge Blvd in South Norfolk near the Freeman Ave interesection) for our 9:15 a.m. Small-group Bible Study or the 10:30 a.m. worship service, you'll park in the lot in front of the church, or around the corner to your left to the back parking lot.  God has blessed us over time to expand from one building, to two, and now three.  They are all joined together and we utilize the entire space.

Come grow with us!  Come as you are and learn God's Word at RHBC.